• [Special] Everything about Indonesia, Hello Indonesia!
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[Special] Everything about Indonesia, Hello Indonesia!

This WisFarm has ended on Mar 31, 2023 .
  • Affiliate Reward

    5% of Sales (Qmoney)
  • Goal

  • Q*coin Raised

    100% Supporters
  • Subscription Period

    Dec 16, 22 ~ Jan 14, 23
  • Project Sale Period

    Jan 01, 23 ~ Mar 31, 23
  • Rewards Progress

    3.59% Earned Reward Target : 5%
  • Reward Payout

    20th of Every Month

    Supporters receive 5% of WisFarm products sales as subscription site(or QuuBe) Q-money on the 20th of the next month.

Hello, this is ID Mart, the owner of 'Hello Indonesia' Wish Farm project! We would like to introduce our 9th project!
Project Owner
Go to Sellershop
ID Qtrading Rating: 100point
  • Indonesia Indonesia

Wisfarm Owner
WIS Farm's owner ID Mart handles Indonesian products professionally and supplies products at the lowest price by exclusively sourcing locally produced products.
[Special] Best of Best WisFarm Indonesia!
We have successfully finished all of the'Hello Indonesia' WisFarm project, This special round is held by collecting all the best performance ID products into this Special wisfarm projects!

[Round1] - Final reward:10.59%
[Round2] - Final reward:10.34%
[Round3] - Final reward:10.11%
[Round4] - Final reward:10.71%
[Round5] - Final reward:11.04%
[Round6] - Final reward:9.81%
[Round7] - Final reward:7.21%
Wisfarm Goals
WISFARM's Target sales revenue is USD $120,000.
(Based on 100% Qcoin achievement)

Early termination
WisFarm Project can be terminated early upon achieving 100% of the target reward to supporters

My Affiliate Reward
(5% of WisFarm Product Sales) X {(Q*coin planted by me) ÷ (All Q*Coin planted in WisFarm)} X {(Q*coin Raised) ÷ (Q*Coin Goal)}
* Supporters receive the affiliate reward of fully subscribed WF as Qoo10 or QuuBe Q-money on the 20th of the month following sales.
Min. Q*coin For Subscription∯ 100
* If you do not have enough Q*coin, you can subscribe after purchase.
Buy Q*coin
Q*coin Return DateApr 01, 2023
* Supported Q*coin is earmarked in your wallet and cannot be used before return date.
* Q*coin will be un-earmarked as it is on return date.